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"Hello There. My name is Joseph  , I am a Mechanical  Engineer , I used to have a very good job and six figure income and good life until  January 2007  , my life went upsidedown , I got a huge tumor in the back of my neck inside the spinal cord and after several surgeries I end up almost paralyzed in both legs , I can hardly plus lots of pain as a result I lost my Job and I collect social security disability which is not even enough to pay my rent , I thought about committing a suicide , it was very hard time  . after paying my rent and utilities I have no money left to buy food , for the past 12 years I eat bread and potatoes , Just bread and potatoes some times chicken if it is on sale , my health condition became very bad I got anemia , I was so weak and I was very shy asking people to help me with food until my doctor told me unless I eat healthy I will sure die then I start to look for some people to help me with food , I search on line and I found The Salt Foundation which in my zip code, I went there and I met that angel lady Claudia wheeler and I told her my story , I was shy but she was too nice too helpful , she made me feel like I am talking to my younger sister with her great heart she told me to go and see her every Sunday and I did and she gave me two large bags plus very lovely pie of cake  , when I went home  I couldn't believe my eyes , I found lots of meat , salmon ,  chicken , all kind of fruit , food ready to eat , salad , vegetables , I couldn't believe my eyes since didn't see this food for the 12 years,  plus fruit cakes and even flowers, roses , I felt like it was a dream but it was true , I thought she gave me this food for just one time I was even afraid to eat it , I don't want it to finish but when I saw her the following Sunday she gave me even more food special meat , salmon , fruit which I need to get healthy , to tell the truth I start to eat healthy food for the first time for 12 yes, and I start to eat I am not worried about if I will eat tomorrow or not became she make me feel safe , she make me feel I am in God's hand  and the good news is my doctor said my blood is getting better and I am getting my strength back little by little . what I want the world to know that great lady Claudia Wheeler is an angel and for sure she will go to heaven , I wish her all the best and I wish for the Salt Foundation to be No 1. all over the world. Best wishes" - Joseph G

"Salt Foundation is nothing short of a miracle for me and my son. Since transferring its activities in Jersey City, I have had to good luck of getting the food that my son and I need. I am retired and have had no extra income to support myself and my son. I was unfortunate to have used up available savings to support another son who became a victim of mugging in Virginia earlier in 2021, causing me to support him for his hospitalization and rehabilitation. That put an extreme strain on my limited finances and the help given free each week by Claudia Wheeler's Salt Foundation has solved an important problem for us."

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